Saturday, December 8, 2018

Unconventional Christmas Trees

 I bought all of these metal wheels at a flea market,
and when I stacked them up -- VIOLA.
An industrial Christmas tree.

 We just recently tackled the "garden"
in our back yard.  After the previous owner
abandoned it, he used it to toss his old wine bottles.
I wish he would have drank about three more!

This screen has literally sat by our trash can outside since we moved in.
I knew I didn't want to toss it, but didn't know what to do with it.
Until now.

Book tree at the library.

Tin "tree" at local antiques shop.


  1. Cute ideas. lol...somebody must have drank beer every day and they tossed the bottles next to a stop sign up the road from us. So one day, we went up there and picked up a bunch of emerald green and blue ones for a yard project. Recycle huh!

  2. I saw a similar book tree at a bookstore--I love the idea. The metal reel tree is great! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!


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