Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Cutie Little Tree Frog


  1. lol....I had one of those sitting by my dog pen Monday night. I went to sit the can of dog food on the post and almost sat it on him.

    Later he started hollering the song of his people and he was really belting it out.

    1. "the song of his people" made me laugh. we have a deaf cat that meow-howls in the middle of the night, we say he is singing the song of his people. unfortunately, it happens mostly when we have guests....

  2. Love them frogs! We have a very vocal bull frog in the pond behind our home. He is awesome to listen to! I would like to see how big he and his buddies are.

  3. i think he may be a gray tree frog. we have peepers not too far away, and i would love to see them -- but too afraid of poison ivy in the brush/bog.

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