Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Amish Cottage Raising

 We had 6 guys come to do the framing for
"Stonecrest Cottage" today.
They arrived at 7 am, and by 9 am the floor was done.

 And the walls went up...soon after the floor.

 I was a little disappointed when the sheets of wood
went up, and got in the way of my "show".

 These six Amish guys moved like greased lightning.
Scurrying, throwing tools to each other,
climbing on the top of the 2x4s you see here.

When I got back from a haircut,
the roof was already taking shape.

 And this was what it looked like by the end of the day.
They just have a bit more to do in the morning,
but basically they framed our guest house in one day.

 It is easy to picture what it will look like on the outside.

But it takes a bit more imagination to picture the inside.
One thing I have learned from watching "Tiny House" TV
is that it looks smaller before everything is finished and the
furniture is in.


Blue Hearts & The End Of My Blog

Early on during the corona virus, I did this project. When we put scalloped wood trim on the guest cottage door, we had some of the trim ...