Sunday, July 7, 2019

Wren Nest

 We had a windy storm that knocked down this
wren nest last weekend.  The little eggs were
so sweet and tiny.

Since they were already abandoned,
I transferred them to a second next that also had blown down.
So that you can see how teensy they are.


  1. I think Wren nests are just little works of art. We had a Wren build her nest near the front door in a pot of rosemary. She had a total of five eggs, but they whittled down to three. Two finally hatched. But, sadly, both babies died. Why do little things like that, make us so sad?

    1. it did make me sad to find the little eggs. so tiny and full of hope....

  2. Wrens will build in the strangest places.

  3. the nest had been in the bottom of a fern on our front porch. it had been fun to watch them come and go right outside of our window.


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