Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Well Well Well

 We are on a well.  (Is that how you say it?)
Anyway, we have our own well.
Very tasty water.  Free.
Plenty of it.
Until there isn't....
Not what you need during quarantine.

 So Ozark Electric AND a conservation guy were out
this morning.  Can Ozark Electric run a line that barely
crosses over Conservation land?  YES.  But about 100
things need to happen before we get water. 
(And doubtless each step is super expensive.)

But the first step was clearing trees between our
well and conservation land.  My son brought his
chain saw, and with my husband's help they knocked that step out.


  1. oh no. Not good that the well is not working.

    I hope y'all can get this taken care of very soon.

  2. it is surprising how much you use water -- for plants, animals, washing hands a jillion times a day... thanks for your concern.


Blue Hearts & The End Of My Blog

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