Sunday, November 11, 2018

Pre-WWI Navy Postcards -- One Man's Story

 I bought all of these postcards last summer,
and quickly stashed them away until I had more time to process them.
The same young man sent all these home just before WWI.
He was on the Battleship Nebraska (top pic).

 They range in date from 1908-1913.
Can you imagine being gone for so long?
Hopefully he got home before WWI started.

 The USS Nebraska played baseball against
the USS Missouri.  Nebraska won.

On the back it said that 7000 men watched the game.

He said "this is a pic of the turret that I am
training for gun pointer in."

This is actually a pic of him jumping off the boom.
So much history is lost in such a small amount of time.
Selling all of these postcards as a lot on ebay.
I know that the person buys them will value them.
Sold for $46.

1 comment:

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