Monday, July 20, 2020

Berm Beauty

 Berm means "artificial ridge or embankment".
Our berm was created in the middle of our yard when I was working on the house,
before we officially moved it.  There were rocks in a circle around our two large
sweet gum trees in the front.  The problem with that?  Large weeds and small
trees grew inside the perimeter, making it look trashy.  I needed to remove all the rocks,
but where to put them that wasn't a huge distance away?  So I made a berm of rocks
between the two large trees in our front yard.

 It has taken two years (three summers) to fill in the cracks
with dirt and plant perennial succulents (I am not sure this red tipped one is perennial.)

 I saw something similar to the rock berm with succulents at
Powell Gardens near Kansas City, but this is the first time I have
tried something like it.  I am thrilled with the results.

 Last weekend I emptied the 30 gallon pond and put most
of the water on the berm (we haven't had rain in over a month.)

 All of the plants were so appreciative and looked so good today --
that I had to take some pics.


Blue Hearts & The End Of My Blog

Early on during the corona virus, I did this project. When we put scalloped wood trim on the guest cottage door, we had some of the trim ...