Take a gander at this photo. What here looks appealing? Is there a chance that
jar on the left could be a cool old general store candy jar? Maybe.
Yes! This time the gamble paid off.
Or how about this?
Ok, cool book thing on the back, but what type of bike is it?
Sorry, my photo is not much better.
Turns out it is a Monark, in good condition. Bingo.
The description just called this "two chalkboards".
Old? New? Damaged? Sizes?
Here is the smaller one after my husband finished with it.
Again -- old or new?
What is under that top white thingie?
Perfectly old, and with a couple pieces of marble thrown in to boot.
This group was my best surprise.
The shutters were wood, not plastic.
The drawers had great glass knobs.
The cabinet doors on the left will make great signs.
It turned out there were FOUR of the cool windows,
all with cool textured glass which did not show at all in this photo.