Thursday, January 24, 2019

2019 Oil Painting Adventure and Some Blog Changes

A new year, and time for some changes...
The original purpose of this blog was to document my junking.  Buying, repurposing, sometimes keeping and mostly selling antiques.  But this last year we were working on two "antique" houses, and I felt that qualified under a "vintage blog".  Like me, it is time that this blog evolved.  I see it as encompassing four categories in the future: vintage, outdoor, art, home.  As if that isn't enough mishmash, I am going to stick in random photographs whenever there is a "lull".  A kind of "365 project" to fill in between regular posts.

We still have some work to do on our Stonecrest home.  We have much work to do on the grounds of Stonecrest, but we feel like we have 20 or 30 years to do it in.  I will still be buying and selling antiques. And I feel like I have time now to pursue some interests which I have pushed aside for decades.   The first of those that I am going to tackle is oil painting.

Complete Lot of 40 Winsor Newton 37ml Artisan Water Mixable Oil Colour, New!
When I was in high school I was introduced to oil painting, and I loved it.  I was lucky enough to take some oil painting classes in college too, but was too poor to afford oil painting after getting married.  We still are not rich, but I just ordered a whole set of oil paints ($150), linseed oil ($8), an inspirational painting book ($15), and some canvas boards ($24). Merry Christmas to me! WOOHOO!

My first oil painting in decades.
Imagine my delight in finding out that they now produce oil paints that clean up with soap and water!
And no toxic fumes!

My original plan was to take a painting class at a local university, but financially that proved impractical.  So, I am going to order a book, and focus on watching free on-line tutorials.  I will have to be self motivated.  I hope to do a couple small canvases a week, just to get in the habit of painting some each day.  Hopefully I will have more "results" to show soon.


  1. Good for you! I know you will enjoy every minute of it. Have fun!

  2. thanks for the encouragement. still have small pangs of guilt for indulging in "selfish" endeavors

  3. It's beautiful. And, it's your blog........I always say do what you want to.


Blue Hearts & The End Of My Blog

Early on during the corona virus, I did this project. When we put scalloped wood trim on the guest cottage door, we had some of the trim ...