Saturday, January 26, 2019

January Trail Trek

We had some awesome sunny and 65 degrees
weather last weekend.  One of the things we did
Saturday was to go for a walk on a trail near our house.
It was my first time to explore it.
There were many interesting sights,
like these fungus growths on a dead tree --
the hues of color were awesome.
I may be painting this later on.

 And how about these fairy steps going up
this tree?

This is an opening to a cave (now with locked entrance)
which I strongly suspect was the origin of much of the cave
rock on the outside of our house, because this cave is the closest one to our house.
We know that much of the rock on the exterior of our house
originated in a cave, and we actually have stalagmites incorporated into the design
(obviously the house was built before regulations on such things).


  1. I'd have to do without rock in a cave if I had to bring it out. Nope, not going in one.

  2. Ha. I don't have a problem with caves, and am planning on sweet-talking the neighborhood conservation agent into giving me a tour of it -- the eyelash batting doesn't work as well as it used to!


Blue Hearts & The End Of My Blog

Early on during the corona virus, I did this project. When we put scalloped wood trim on the guest cottage door, we had some of the trim ...